Step 2: Problem Definition, Evaluating AI/ML Suitability

Select a decision point below to access further resources, tools, and guidance.

 *This Framework does not provide an exhaustive list of all decision points that are to be addressed in the process of an AI/ML project. Rather, it focuses on providing tools and guidance around the decision points which provide particularly strong opportunities for processes of co-creation. Below is a list of additional questions relevant to “Problem Definition/ Evaluating AI/ML Suitability” for consideration:

  • Does the definition capture all elements of the problem?

  • Is the use of AI/ML tools ethical in this context?

  • If there are multiple options in terms of applying AI/ML to the problem, what are we optimising for?

  • What are the conditions that need to be put into place (policy/change management/etc)?

  • Have you gone through all the public resources out there before deciding to co-create something new?